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Spatial Archaeology andHistorical Network Dynamics SAHND

Spatial Archaeology andHistorical Network Dynamics SAHND

The Laboratory for Spatial Archaeology and Historical Network Dynamics in the Department of Anthropology at Penn State studies the long-term histories of past and present sociopolitical institutions and the ways they are creatively imagined and transformed by people.

Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, Principal Investigator

What We Do

  • Archaeologies of governance, politics, collective action, and inequity

  • Social networks and the relational foundations of human organizational forms

  • Spatial and demographic histories of social, political, and economic institutions

  • The timing and temporality of historical processes and critical transformations

  • Collaborative and community-driven archaeology

  • Quantitative and digital approaches to the archaeological and historical records

Jacob Holland-Lulewicz, Principal Investigator in the field

Let’s Collaborate

We’re always looking for new opportunities to collaborate! The SAHND Lab is also actively recruiting graduate students, post-docs, and undergraduates to work on a range of current projects. Our lab is specially equipped to support researchers working on, or wishing to propose, large-scale radiocarbon and chronological modeling programs, multi-method geophysical surveys, or other digital projects including those leveraging “big” datasets, formal network analyses, or other geospatial applications.